Champion New Haven Dairy express reefer
Another recent project was rebuilding this Champion New Haven Dairy express reefer. These are nice models and rarely seen.
I rebuilt a pair of Champion/Picard express reefers last year but did not realize then that the sides I used were incomplete. I was lacking the single strips that go on the top of the sides, which are seen on this model.
This particular model came in sad shape, one side warped out and a prior owner had repainted over the sides and added decals. I had to strip down the car and make a new side from scrap parts (from parts of two sides) but in the end the car came out very nicely. It is on S-C trucks with freight wheelsets, the common solution to the truck problem for this model.
With the car done I was thinking that was the end of my supply of these unusual 44.5 foot Picard bodies, but then I found another! Partially built up, seen also in the photo with another fresh set of sides. These cars are not difficult to complete, so as I get to painting flat black again I will plan to build up another Milky Way car with that extra strip above the door.