
YouTube and American OO update

I have been remiss in highlighting some nice resources that are out there related to American OO on YouTube. If you are a regular user, all of these are worth a follow!

Matt’s Mocs

Matt’s Mocs has a few OO trains (among a variety of other model trains), starting here:

Chris’s Electric Train Lab

Chris’s Electric Train Lab is all OO. The channel is here, check out all of them:

Leonard Carey Williams

The Leonard Carey Williams channel has quite a few OO videos, spread out here and there:

Getting real specific, this recent video mentions my book, and is what made me think that it is about time to feature these channels.

Ives Toys

The Ives Toys channel has a variety of train projects, but of special interest is that they are also building an OO outside third rail layout. Recent progress on that layout is here:

American OO Today

Finally, I do have a channel, but I have not posted for several years. I’m not that into producing videos when you get down to it, or more specifically editing videos. But I really should do one again sometime soon, and might adopt a simpler format such as seen at the links above. Please do check it out and follow; this is the most recent video posted: