Not the Typical Cab Unit, a Vintage Curiosity
This is an oddball little American OO model that someone took some effort to build, a freelanced F or E unit.
Schorr sold an F-3 and Davis produced an E-7 in American OO. But this model is scratchbuilt. From the side it on first glace looks like an F unit but then look at those portholes and the six wheel trucks! I think the idea of the builder was actually to make a shorty, slant nose E-unit.
Or perhaps it is a variation on the very early (1937) EMC TA locomotive. It looks more like the TA than any other prototype I see but it had four wheel trucks instead of six.
Looking at the top the roof the details are minimal but don’t feature the fans seen on F units but instead a set of stacks. On an early E unit there would be two sets, this one only however has one set.
The body is clearly made of a heavy brass stock but the roof looks to be wood.
Finishing it out, we have a bottom view. The drive is clearly scratchbuilt and note only the outer four sets of wheels are geared. The sideframes look like they are based on maybe Nason tender trucks.
These photos are from Dick Kuehnemund; thanks to him for sharing.
UPDATE: A very similar model of a freelanced version of a FT locomotive may be seen in an article in the April, 1954 issue of RMC; that model was operating on the layout of George Jones, and my guess is the above model is also by Jones.