Around the layout

A new grain elevator

I have been working on this model off and on since the late 1970s and finished it this morning!

It is a Suydam HO grain elevator kit combined with a Suydam office building kit. While the two have been sitting together for years on the layout, construction has also been stalled for years. When I purchased these kits I purchased an extra sheet of the siding material which is a stamped tinplate. This came in really handy as I was inspired by an article on kitbashing the Eskridge, KS grain elevator that was published in the August, 2006 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman. I had to make the middle section and modified the rest of the model resemble Eskridge as much as was practical. I might wish it were just a bit larger but the finished model is a great addition to the layout and works well with American OO trains.