mystery, Nason, Scale-Craft

Baker Valve Gear Hangers in OO

A question recently came in related to Baker valve gear hangers.


I had, honestly, not paid a lot of attention to valve gear types on vintage OO models simply because I was more about restoring them to operation. Walshaerts valve gear is more common and was used in most OO steam locomotives produced. However, Baker valve gear was used for the Scale-Craft 0-6-0 switcher and also the Nason Consolidation, and this requires a distinctive hanger.

From left to right in the photo we have two Nason hangers in bronze (marked as part 315), a scratch version made from sheet metal, a mystery bronze version, and finally two of the S-C hangers which are stamped brass.

I know a couple of you are looking for these and I certainly have several extra beyond projects I have underway. If you are one of those people, contact me and I will do what I can to help out. And if you have any idea of the maker of the mystery example let me know!